Theodore Haber

Theodore Haber

2,000 Miles of Space


for String Quartet

From Theodore Haber

“This piece is an organism. I tried to treat the string quartet as a unit. 

The idea of disparate figures mixing together or morphing into each other was compelling me at the time. To do this, I had to create spaces with both recognizable musical artifacts and an evident contour.   

In a way this piece is very much influenced by minimalism. While the changes have more to do with tempo shifts and rhythmic games, they are gradual and large change will be noticed on the macro scale. 

I have been interested in utilizing microtonality.  The mathematics behind specific resonances interest me but for my purposes I tried to just base microtonal decisions on physical sounds instead of calculations. 

Each section is very much a static space. Yet, even within static spaces there is minute movement. 

This piece is brisk and cold. You are alone and floating.”


Benjamin Champion


Carolina Bragg